Water World….

…is the name of a 1995 film starring Kevin Costner.

Does anyone even remember this movie?

More relevantly, it is an apt name for what i’m doing, er, drinking today.

62 fluid ounces of watery...water.

I kind of have a problem where I will accidentally go all day without drinking anything and not notice at all. This has lead me to faint, and I am usually tired and have headaches. So my loving boyfriend gave me this: a giant mug that holds as much water as you are supposed to drink in a day (64 fluid ounces), all in one sitting. As I am a bit of a weakling, I have it filled to 62 fluid ounces so that i can actually lift the mug to my face to take a drink. Today, I am going to try and drink all of it.

Sippin' my drank. Wish me luck.

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